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Information, Contacts & Forms

2025 Important Dates & Information


Registration: Online registration will be open May 1st-May 31st. A $25 late registration fee will be enacted starting June 1st. You will be able to register by entering your information on our SwimTopia site.
The cost is $130 for the first swimmer and $120 for each additional swimmer. If you prefer to pay via check and paper form, you may do so by filling out the 2025 registration form and bringing it with payment to Melissa or Todd during the first week of swim practice. Please email Coach Melissa with any questions. *In order to be on the swim team, swimmers must be able to swim 15 yards unassisted (without a coach in the water).*

Bathing Suits

The team suit will be a black bathing suit with a small marlin logo.
You may purchase your suit in-store at All American Swim (Kiefer Aquatics) in Cary or call the store: (919) 439-8678.
Order information: CLICK HERE (pdf)

Important Dates & Practice Schedule

Dates: TBA (in school times)
Afternoon Practice (Monday-Friday)
6 & under*: 4:30-5:00
7 & over: 5:00-6:00
*Swimmers must be able to swim 15 yards unassisted*

Dates: TBA (summer times)
Morning Practice (Mon-Sat)* Afternoon Practice (Mon-Fri)   
all age groups 9:00-10:00 am
6 & under 4:00-4:30
  7 & 8s 4:30-5:30
*no morning practice on the Wednesday morning following a swim meet 9 & 10s 5:00-6:00
  11 & over 5:30-6:30

Meet Schedule

Marlins Home page

Team Banquet:


Swim Records:

Marlin Team Records (pdf)
Seven Oaks Pool Records (pdf)

Swim Team Forms

Social Activities

  • Drag Day - Swimmers dress up in costume to practice
  • Saturday Doughnuts - Parents volunteers provide doughnuts after Saturday practice
  • Swim team Photo - Individual and team photographs on designated day

Swim Team Sequence

  • Medley Relay - 7/8 boys, 7/8 girls, 9/10 boys, 9/10 girls, 11/12 boys, 11/12 girls, 13/14 boys, 13/14 girls, 15-18 boys, 15-18 girls
  • Freestyle – 6 and Under Boys, 6 and under Girls, 7/8 boys, 7/8 girls, 9/10 boys, 9/10 girls, 11/12 boys, 11/12 girls, 13/14 boys, 13/14 girls, 15-18 boys, 15-18 girls
  • Backstroke - Same
  • Breast stroke - Same
  • Butterfly - 7/8 boys, 7/8 girls, 9/10 boys, 9/10 girls, 11/12 boys, 11/12 girls, 13/14 boys, 13/14 girls, 15-18 boys, 15-18 girls
  • Freestyle Relay - 7/8 boys, 7/8 girls, 9/10 boys, 9/10 girls, 11/12 boys, 11/12 girls, 13/14 boys, 13/14 girls, 15-18 boys, 15-18 girls
  • Meets begin promptly at 6:00 PM and conclude between 9:00 and 10:30 depending on the size of the pool and the size of the swim team.
  • Meets begin promptly at 6:00 PM and conclude between 9:00 and 10:30 depending on the size of the pool and the size of the swim team.
  • For Home meets we warm up at 5:00 so please be at the pool by 4:30
  • For Away Meets we will warm up at 5:30 promptly, so please arrive at the away meet by 5:00
  • All relays are main events - 3 per team. Individual events begin with a main heat with 3 swimmers who score points. Main events are followed by group heats with all the remaining swimmers. Coaches determine which swimmers will be in Main Events.


Individual Events
1st: 5 points
2nd: 3 points
3rd: 1 point

1st: 5 pts


For our meets to run at all, we need volunteers!
We want our swimmers to have fun and enjoy the spirit of competition. To make that happen, we require all families with registered swimmers to volunteer for two to three meets over the course of the summer season.

We have lots of options for positions and shifts to accommodate varying family needs.

Please read this pdf for more information:
Volunteer 2025 information -- click here

General Information

  • Wear the team swim suit and swim cap to all meets
  • Bring plenty of towels for children to sit in the swim team corner
  • Bring dinner, snack and drinks to the meet for your family's needs
  • Take folding chairs to away meets along with drinks and snacks
  • Younger swimmers bring cards and games to play while waiting
  • Meets can be delayed or postponed due to thunder and lighting but please stay and wait for announcements on cancellations or delays
  • Cheer for the Seven Oaks Marlins throughout the entire meet
  • Clean up your trash throughout the meet especially in the swim team corner  
  • No glass at the pool
  • No smoking or alcohol allowed
  • Home meets require almost 50 volunteers and 40 for away meets so please sign up for parent volunteer positions
  • Main heat swimmers will be posted prior to the meet
  • Swimmers must participate in the Time Trials or be timed by a coach before or after a practice if they will not be able to attend Time Trials
  • Parent volunteers are also needed to set up and clean up for social events
  • All swimmers will receive a trophy at the banquet
  • Special awards will also be presented by the coaches at the banquet

Swim Links

Tarheel Swimming Association

The TSA is a non-profit corporation in the state of North Carolina. Private swim clubs within Wake County are eligible to be members in the TSA subject to the provisions of the Bylaws. The purpose of the TSA is: to further interest in competitive swimming, to set and enforce meet standards and rules for participation and to foster cooperation between participating groups.
TSA Website

North Carolina Swimming

Promoting Excellence by Providing Resources to Support and Empower the North Carolina Swimming Community.

USA Swimming

USA Swimming is the National Governing Body for the sport of swimming in the United States. We are a 400,000-member service organization that promotes the culture of swimming by creating opportunities for swimmers and coaches of all backgrounds to participate and advance in the sport through teams, events and education.

Marlins Contact

Melissa Beard
Head Swim Team Coach


Site Map